Peril Awaits

Deck tips: The premise of this deck is that if the opponent can't face the attack at the site, she can't play any cards there. The creatures in this deck are either designed to tap the characters before they get where they're going, or to act as nasty surprises once they get there. Be careful how you stack the cards, remembering that long and permanent events will affect you, too.
Qty.Card Name - Qty.Card Name
2Crebain2Cave Drake
2Doors of Night2Dragon's Desolation
2Fell Winter2Awaken the Earth's Fire
2Choking Shadows1Agburanar
1Daelomin1Arouse Denizens
1Arouse Minions1Awaken Denizens
1Awaken Minions1Minions Stir
Add the following cards for a 50-card deck:
2Neeker-Breekers2Arouse Denizens
2Awaken Denizens2Greed
2Night2Plague of Wights
2Traitor2Wake of War
2Clouds1Dwar of Waw
1Doors of Night1Choking Shadows
1Arouse Minions1Eye of Sauron